I have to start this article saying that is an impossible task for me to choose one favourite film. But if I have to analyze and write about one right now, I would prefer Tim Burton's Edward Scissorhands. It is definitely a picture worth seeing. Not only for the excellent performance of the cast, specially the acting of an ascending Johnny Depp and a never-declining Vincent Price, but also for the so original and gothic context that the director chose to determine the style of the film. Another important factor that contributed was the sinister but at the same time inocent and dramatic music composed by Danny Elfman which, combined with the production design, creates a magnificent atmosphere.
If I have to make a short synopsis of the plot, I would prefer to describe it as the sad life of a fictional and industrial invention in a human society, which considers it a freak, although it has real men feelings.
In the movie you can observe two well-differentiated worlds. On the one hand, the normal and colourful part of the village, where the humans live happily and without problems. On the other hand, there is the cold and dark side, where the invention, called Edward, lives in an ancient castle, that was built as a stain in that modern and american-dream landscape, and takes us back to the classic films of horror from the thirties and fourties.
If I have to explain the reason why Edward Scissorhands is an outstanding film, I would say because the movie itself is the cinematographic recreation of Tim Burton's hard and unusual life. In spite of being, perhaps, a modified modern version of Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, the picture could be also interpreted as the never-ending discrimination always presented in every society but carried to an extreme point, as a product of Burton's bizarre mind.
To summarize in a few words, I think this is a film worth watching that shows you a dark vision of the nowadays human society, focused on a discriminated living machine that, perhaps, has much more love to share than any normal person.

Article by Ricardo E. Bolzán.
June 26th, 2010.